Family Photo 2015

Family Photo 2015

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Is this thing on?!?!?!?!?!

It's been over three years since I opened a compose box on this blog....THREE YEARS! I would like to thank all 2 of my fans for being so patient and waiting for me to dive back in to this magical world of writing! I know you what you are thinking "Where have you been?" I right?!?!?! Well, I could type some big long beautiful justification for my absence, but the truth...I just got busy and I got scared. The busy is of course with ministry, music, chasing God and four children...the list goes on. Being scared came from the fear that someone wasn't going to like what I had to say. I mean, let's be honest, we have become somewhat sensitive nowadays...I'm pretty sure the font and font size on this blog has already offended 12 people! But it's all good, I'm gonna keep typing! I was also scared about missing the moments that were happening in my life. And so, I packed it away; not sure if I would ever darken the door of the blogging world. But then the other day, a real person told me that they missed my stories and "truly a Facebook status is not space for you to share!" And so I've been praying about it and I feel empowered to share. But here's the thing. My hope and my desire is that as I share the funny failures of parenting journey, some dad out may not feel so alone. As I share worship songs, a reader will be reminded of the hope they have in Christ. And so, here's to the journey...thanks for coming along with me.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Fun List 2012

Anyone who knows me knows that I like to make list. Scratch that…I LOVE to make list. In fact, this morning, writing a blog post was on my list! It is great to see that amazing little sheet of paper (or tablet) that holds all of your immediate goals for the day or even your long term goals. I love the challenge of checking off as many things as possible…and now I have just revealed my small streak of geek and my inner OCD. A couple of years ago, I decided to pass on the love of list making to our oldest son. Through this, we started our “Summer Fun List”. Some would call it a bucket list, but at that time, I did not want to explain to a 4 year why you would use the word bucket…so we changed it to fun! We usually make the list on Memorial Day weekend, and set the goal to complete everything on the list by Labor Day weekend. We have had some great adventures with this list…including, learning to roller skate, diving off diving boards, trips on trains, trips to zoo, learning new board games, road trips, and building projects. The idea was to set aside special time for my son during his summer break, so that he wasn’t board all summer, and it was a great opportunity for the two of us to spend some quality time together. Fast forward to fall, I have decided to continue the list making tradition with our first “Fall Fun List”; however the rules are different with this activity. Instead of the children making the list, it is solely me, the adult, making the list of all the great fall things I would like to do with my family. We start the first week of October and the goal is to finish everything by December 1st. For me personally, the goals are to create several new family memories; to do at least one activity with each child (like dad dates); and do a couple of special things with my wife. Here are two important things to remember: 1.) Be careful not to let the fun list turn into a “to do” list. I know we have a lot of things to do around the house. The activities you choose should be distinctly for family fun and connection. Feel free to make a chore/project list, just don’t let it compete or bleed into your fun list. 2.) DON’T beat yourself up if you don’t get through your entire list. Some things you can’t control (like train schedules or blackout dates)…the beautiful thing is that these activities can roll over into the next year or next season. The important thing is that you are taking time to unplug from your phones, computers, tablets and be active with your family. So, here’s my list! Wish me luck, and I encourage each one of you to get that notepad out and start list making! -Take a fall train ride -visit a pumpkin patch/fall festival -Run through a corn maze -decorate our house for fall -paint/carve pumpkins -jump in a pile of leaves -Plan 2 new date nights -make fall shaped cookies -Go on Picnic -smore’s night -Host a fall party -Man Night -Send gratitude cards - fall getaway -Take outdoor family photos -make and share pumpkin squares -Plant mums -rake a neighbor’s yard Happy fall from my family to yours! RG

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Star Spangled Banner

I was honored to perform our National Anthem before the Casting Crowns Concert!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Boys

Do you remember that scene in the movie "Mr. Holland's Opus"? The scene where Mr. Holland, played by Richard Dreyfuss, sang this song to his deaf son after the death of John Lennon. It was a beautiful scene...and a great movie! Please rent it if you have not seen it! Fast Forward to July 20, 2012 in a Wichita Operating room...I found myself playing the lyrics in my mind as I met Keefer and Keegan for the first time at 8:27am and 8:29am. Even now, two weeks later, my mind is going back to the lyric "Before you go to sleep, say a little prayer. Everyday in every way, it's getting better and better." As I am holding them, that feeling that everyday is getting better and better. It's better because they are here and health! It's better because of the way Kerrington wants to help the twins when they are crying. It's better because Keller can't wait to show them how to play with trains. It's better and better because when I look in the eyes of all my children, I feel God's grace covering me and feel His spirit strengthening me and Ashley to be the best parents we can be.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ten on Ten: 1st Edition

The other day I was reading the blog of a lady that attends our church. She had this link called 10 on 10. After reading and looking at all her pictures, it sounded like something that I would love to try. Of course, I started this at 3pm...which meant, I needed to stay up until midnight to capture all ten pictures. But I confess that it is really hard to remember a picture every hour. So I am proud to say that I remembered 6 out of 10...the other pictures are from events that happened over the past couple of weeks. Here are the Ten on Ten instructions: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments. Then share your beauty with us on the 11th! And TEN on TEN! 1. I think it may be time for an office intervention! 2. This is what happens your two year old decided that she does not want to take a nap during the summer. 3. Driving down Main Street Hutchinson! I promise I was at a red light when I took this shot! 4.Keller getting ready to make a base it! Today was his last day of tee ball! It interesting season! 5. Found this great Dresser for Kerrington's Room! This could be pinterest worthy! Please note the sides of the drawers...a great touch! 6. Friends helping friends! Getting the nursery reading for the Gage twins! 7. Sometimes you just have to let your hair down!
8. So stinkin' cute...don't you think?
9. Ten days and counting!
10. A legacy of letters. These are the journals that I have started for each of the Gage kids!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A simple case of mistaken identity again...and again....and again.

I love living in a small town! It is great to drive down the street and see members of our congregation living life and being extensions of grace. Most times, I will take a moment and honk the horn to say hello, or role down the window and say a quick greeting. But recently, I have become more shy. I may be this close (two fingers almost pushed together) to ignoring all people and sticking to the 10 and 2. But I guess you are wondering how and why I have come to decision...more importantly why does this matter to you the reader? Simply put, it matters because this is yet again another humorous page in the adventure of my life. Let's begin.... Since moving to Kansas, we have connected with several families from our church. One of those families is the Blosser family. Rick, Joni, Conner, Carly, Caley and even Grandma Tibbits have become great friends who have provided many, many laughs in our short friendship! Joni and Carly, usually can be seen driving around town in a White Pontiac Grand Am. Most days, they will honk the horn as they drive by our house and of course if we see each other on the road we will always stop at an intersection to catch a quick laugh (much to the annoyance of the people behind us). Recently, it would seem that a large percent of the population of Hutchinson drives the same vehicle as our friends. The only reason I know this to be true, is because I have honked at every single one of these people. One would think that I would search for the identifying markers of the a dent, or special license plate...but not me...I just honk freely and wave emphatically to catch their attention...only to discover its not them; which then leaves the victim of my gleeful greeting paralyzed with wonder as to my own identity. I could go on with all the different scenes and stories about this epic failure of identification, but I feel lead to share one story that will be forever burned in my mind. It was the night that I returned from my trip to Israel, and I had to take Keller to a basketball practice. As I was pulling out of our driveway, I noticed Joni (or who I thought was Joni) drive by without honking. "What's up with that?" I thought. So, I quickly jumped and took off down the road to catch up with her. I rounded the corner and noticed that she had stopped at someone's else. "I wonder what she is doing there?", was my thought as I continued to drive. I pulled up next to her,rolled down the window and held the following conversation: Me:(in my best thug type voice) Wazup girlie! It's been to long! How you be? What's the word? What are you doing at this house? "Joni": (Silence) Me: HEY! What are you doing? "Joni" excuse me? Me: You drove past me so fast and didn't say hi! What are you doing here? "Joni": Delivering a pizza?? Me: Wait...what? Before I could say anything else, "Joni" stepped into the light and that is when I realized it's not Joni. It was in fact a pizza delivery girl who happens to drive the same car! At this moment, one would think that I would offer up an apology for bothering the poor girl. But what did I say, "Oh gee, you're not my friend!" And with that I drove off into the night praying the young lady didn't memorize my license plate so she could call the cops. I know it was not my finest moment, but I figured she won't know it was me because it was night time and....well never mind! So if you live in Hutch and you drive a white vehicle, watch out, I might be honking at you!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Parenthood 2.0-Multiple Blessings

A couple of months, we found out that the Gage twins are boys! We are super excited and at the same time, the reality of our lives changing is sinking in now more than ever! There are little things that will be different..for example, my "Parenthood 2.0" Series will now become "Parenthood 4.0-Lord give us strength". If you enjoyed reading my adventures of mayhem with my two older children...I can only assume that the high jinks will continue and double this summer. But clearly, these twins in addition to Keller and Kerrington are indeed multiple blessings! When I think about my children, I understand the blessings they bring to my heart... and also opportunities for growth in grace, and reflections of life that has been sustained by an amazing God. BLESSING #1: Bonding and healing I feel that since the twins are both boys, something unique is happening for us as a family and for me as a father. It is no secret that there is a special bond between fathers and sons. It goes beyond sharing jokes and stories, playing sports and video games, and all the other grunts and snorts and strange sounds. I confess that as a child of divorced parents, the desire to strengthen that bond between myself and my sons is more pronounced then ever before. In addition, the life that my children live is far different then my own upbringing. And through the call and responsibility of parenting my own children, I am discovering that God is healing the hurts in my own life...especially those Daddy issues I had to face. Again, I can see His hand of healing as I think about the amazing relationship I now have with my father! BLESSING #2; There's only One Princess The more I thought about it, the more I feel that the twins being both boys is a great thing for Kerrington! (hehehe) For those of you that know her, you know that she is indeed a princess and there were times before this week of the gender reveal, I wondered how well she was going to do with another sister..or two. Clearly, this was divine! Of course, you can see the challenge ahead that she is not only the only girl, but the middle child. But yet again, here is another opportunity to have a unique special relationship with my only daughter...that I can assume will include trips to the ballet, tea parties and more. BLESSING #3 A New kind of Gage I think it is safe to say that every parent wants the best for their children; that every parent desires, prays, and hopes, that their children will have every opportunity possible and to achieve whatever they desire to be. As proud as I am of my family and our family legacy, I confess that I desire more for all my children. A new brand of Gage requires me, as the father, to set a whole new example. A lot of that change has already happened simply by working hard at my marriage. I recently found one of my old journals and as I reflected and remembered some interesting memories, I found this following statement in my journal: "Divorce sucks! Why does this happen? I don't think parents understand what this does to their children. I know that I will never let this happen to my children." (circa 1992 journal entry). As strange as this sounds, dispite some of the hard roads we went through, I am thankful for my upbringing. I am thankful because I discovered that there is a God who could meet all the needs of my life..and prepare me for the life I am living today. And so, our journey continues.