Family Photo 2015

Family Photo 2015

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Parenthood 2.0-Multiple Blessings

A couple of months, we found out that the Gage twins are boys! We are super excited and at the same time, the reality of our lives changing is sinking in now more than ever! There are little things that will be different..for example, my "Parenthood 2.0" Series will now become "Parenthood 4.0-Lord give us strength". If you enjoyed reading my adventures of mayhem with my two older children...I can only assume that the high jinks will continue and double this summer. But clearly, these twins in addition to Keller and Kerrington are indeed multiple blessings! When I think about my children, I understand the blessings they bring to my heart... and also opportunities for growth in grace, and reflections of life that has been sustained by an amazing God. BLESSING #1: Bonding and healing I feel that since the twins are both boys, something unique is happening for us as a family and for me as a father. It is no secret that there is a special bond between fathers and sons. It goes beyond sharing jokes and stories, playing sports and video games, and all the other grunts and snorts and strange sounds. I confess that as a child of divorced parents, the desire to strengthen that bond between myself and my sons is more pronounced then ever before. In addition, the life that my children live is far different then my own upbringing. And through the call and responsibility of parenting my own children, I am discovering that God is healing the hurts in my own life...especially those Daddy issues I had to face. Again, I can see His hand of healing as I think about the amazing relationship I now have with my father! BLESSING #2; There's only One Princess The more I thought about it, the more I feel that the twins being both boys is a great thing for Kerrington! (hehehe) For those of you that know her, you know that she is indeed a princess and there were times before this week of the gender reveal, I wondered how well she was going to do with another sister..or two. Clearly, this was divine! Of course, you can see the challenge ahead that she is not only the only girl, but the middle child. But yet again, here is another opportunity to have a unique special relationship with my only daughter...that I can assume will include trips to the ballet, tea parties and more. BLESSING #3 A New kind of Gage I think it is safe to say that every parent wants the best for their children; that every parent desires, prays, and hopes, that their children will have every opportunity possible and to achieve whatever they desire to be. As proud as I am of my family and our family legacy, I confess that I desire more for all my children. A new brand of Gage requires me, as the father, to set a whole new example. A lot of that change has already happened simply by working hard at my marriage. I recently found one of my old journals and as I reflected and remembered some interesting memories, I found this following statement in my journal: "Divorce sucks! Why does this happen? I don't think parents understand what this does to their children. I know that I will never let this happen to my children." (circa 1992 journal entry). As strange as this sounds, dispite some of the hard roads we went through, I am thankful for my upbringing. I am thankful because I discovered that there is a God who could meet all the needs of my life..and prepare me for the life I am living today. And so, our journey continues.


  1. I LOVE this sonogram pic!
    I also love this post!!
    I think we could have quite the chat about childhoods.
    As much as I wish I wasn't from a family of divorce & other things I went through...I have always said, it has made me the person that I am today.
    I have been able to handle some really challenging experiences because of it & God by my side! We are fortunate that God helped us through tough family times & to be healed by our chance at being parents!
    Can't wait to hear about more of your household adventures!! :)

  2. I say YES and Amen to a new kind of Gage, or in our case, a new kind of Ferguson. We will NOT pass down the legacy of divorce to our children!
    You are a great daddy to your kids, and the good news is, our love never divides, only multiplies with the birth of more babies.
    Here's to the 4 and no more club, onward and upward!
    Hugs, T
